Install Gitosis
1. Download Gitosis from (or git clone git:// )2. Install it by
cd gitosis
python install
If you get errors, try yum install python-setuptools
Generate SSH public/private key (If you don't have one)
[@Local]1. To generate a public/private key, run
ssh-keygen -t rsa
2. The newly generated public key will be at $Home/.ssh/ directory and named Private key will be named id_rsa.
3. Upload your public key to server's /tmp directory
scp ~/.ssh/ username@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:/tmp/
Configure Gitosis
1. Create a user to own the repositories, usually called git
1. Create a user to own the repositories, usually called git
adduser git
2. Create the repository and add YourPublicKey into authorized keys
sudo -H -u git gitosis-init < /tmp/
Configure the permissions
[@Local]1. To configure who can access to your repositories, clone gitosis-admin first and then edit gitosis.conf in gitosis-admin directory
git clone git@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:gitosis-admin.git
cd gitosis-admin
vi gitosis.conf
2. Add a repository, TestProject, and make user Howard has full access to it.
[New group]
members = Howard
writable = TestProject
3. Get Howard's public key,, from Howard and put it into keydir of gitosis-admin
cp keydir
4. Once done, commit it and push to remote server.
git commit -m "Give Howard full access to TestProject"
git push
Create the repository TestProject
1. User Howard creates the TestProject, initialize it and push it to remote server
mkdir TestProject
cd TestProject
git init
git remote add originServer git@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:TestProject.git
// create files, git add . and commit
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push originServer master:refs/heads/master
2. Now TestProject is created and available on server
3. To allow user Sibo accessing TestProject, edit gitosis.conf of gitosis-admin and add Sibo to members of [New group] and put Sibo's public key into keydir of gitosis-admin
4. Commit it and push it remote server and now Sibo will be able to clone TestProject from remote server
[@Sibo Local]
git clone git@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:TestProject.git