Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Excel financial formulas - PMT

Pmt function returns the payment amount for a loan based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule.

Pmt( interest_rate, number_payments, PV )
PV : Present Value

To find out the monthly payment on a 1,000,000 loan at an annual rate of 7.5%. The loan is paid off in 2 years (ie: 2 x 12). All payments are made at the beginning of the period.

=Pmt(7.5%/12, 2*12, 1000000)



年化報酬率公式 = ( (期末金額 / 期初金額) ^ (1 / 年期) ) - 1
^ : 冪次方

Ex. 一開始以10萬元去投資, 3年後結束投資, 拿回 14萬. 年化報酬率為:
( 140000 / 100000 ) ^ ( 1 / 3 ) - 1 = 約 11.87%


貸款利率. 用 Excel 套入公式
=RATE( 期數, -月繳款金額, 貸款金額 ) * 12 = 年利率

Ex. 貸款 100 萬, 分4年(48期)攤還, 每個月繳 23000
則年利率是: RATE( 48, -23000, 1000000 ) * 12 = 0.04935 (4.935%)


Check clients which connect to Mac OS X Wi-Fi Internet Sharing

arp -i bridge100 -a bridge100 may be different on your Mac OSX