1. Install VMware Tools. See http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1022048 and http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1022525
. Virtual Machine -> Install VMware Tools
sudo mkdir /mnt/vmtools
sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/vmtools
cd /mnt/vmtools
tar zxvf VMwareTools-x.x.x.tar.gz -C /tmp
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib
sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d
sudo reboot
2. Configure share folder
. Go to settings of the guest VM -> Sharing
Setup the sharing folder
3. The location of the shared folder will be in /mnt/hgfs or /media/psf/
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
bash_profile for Mac
# reloads the prompt, usefull to take new modifications into account
alias reload="source ~/.bash_profile"
alias ll='ls -al'
alias ..="cd ../"
alias ...="cd ../../"
alias .3="cd ../../../"
alias .4="cd ../../../../"
alias .4="cd ../../../../"
#Find CPU hogs
alias cpu_hogs='ps wwaxr -o pid,stat,%cpu,time,command | head -10'
#recommended 'top' invocation to minimize resources
alias ttop="top -R -F -s 10 -o rsize"
# qfind: Quickly search for file alias qfind="find . -name "
alias qfind="find . -name "
# your public ip
alias ip="dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com"
# your local ip
alias localip="ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p'"
# ---------------------------
# ---------------------------
# netCons: Show all open TCP/IP sockets
alias netCons='lsof -i'
# flushDNS: Flush out the DNS Cache
alias flushDNS='dscacheutil -flushcache'
# lsock: Display open sockets
alias lsock='sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -i -P'
# lsockU: Display only open UDP sockets
alias lsockU='sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -nP | grep UDP'
# lsockT: Display only open TCP sockets
alias lsockT='sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -nP | grep TCP'
# ipInfo0: Get info on connections for en0
alias ipInfo0='ipconfig getpacket en0'
# ipInfo1: Get info on connections for en1
alias ipInfo1='ipconfig getpacket en1'
# openPorts: All listening connections
alias openPorts='sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN'
# showBlocked: All ipfw rules inc/ blocked IPs
alias showBlocked='sudo ipfw list'
# ii: display useful host related informaton
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
ii() {
echo -e "\nYou are logged on ${RED}$HOST"
echo -e "\nAdditionnal information:$NC " ; uname -a
echo -e "\n${RED}Users logged on:$NC " ; w -h
echo -e "\n${RED}Current date :$NC " ; date
echo -e "\n${RED}Machine stats :$NC " ; uptime
echo -e "\n${RED}Current network location :$NC " ; scselect
echo -e "\n${RED}Public facing IP Address :$NC " ;myip
#echo -e "\n${RED}DNS Configuration:$NC " ; scutil --dns
# ---------------------------
# ---------------------------
# netCons: Show all open TCP/IP sockets
alias netCons='lsof -i'
# flushDNS: Flush out the DNS Cache
alias flushDNS='dscacheutil -flushcache'
# lsock: Display open sockets
alias lsock='sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -i -P'
# lsockU: Display only open UDP sockets
alias lsockU='sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -nP | grep UDP'
# lsockT: Display only open TCP sockets
alias lsockT='sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -nP | grep TCP'
# ipInfo0: Get info on connections for en0
alias ipInfo0='ipconfig getpacket en0'
# ipInfo1: Get info on connections for en1
alias ipInfo1='ipconfig getpacket en1'
# openPorts: All listening connections
alias openPorts='sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN'
# showBlocked: All ipfw rules inc/ blocked IPs
alias showBlocked='sudo ipfw list'
# ii: display useful host related informaton
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
ii() {
echo -e "\nYou are logged on ${RED}$HOST"
echo -e "\nAdditionnal information:$NC " ; uname -a
echo -e "\n${RED}Users logged on:$NC " ; w -h
echo -e "\n${RED}Current date :$NC " ; date
echo -e "\n${RED}Machine stats :$NC " ; uptime
echo -e "\n${RED}Current network location :$NC " ; scselect
echo -e "\n${RED}Public facing IP Address :$NC " ;myip
#echo -e "\n${RED}DNS Configuration:$NC " ; scutil --dns
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Check clients which connect to Mac OS X Wi-Fi Internet Sharing
arp -i bridge100 -a bridge100 may be different on your Mac OSX